Plant Breeding and Genetics Badge


It’s no secret that plants have a lot of different genetic traits, both good and bad. The plant breeder has a very important task – to ensure that the most desirable traits between two parent plants are in the genetic makeup of new plants. Through this process plants will be improved and contribute to a reliable source of food for our world’s large and rapidly growing population.

Non-Academic Credit

The Plant Breeding and Genetics Professional Badge is considered a non-academic credit program for professional development. This means that learners do not enroll through the university’s official admission process and, thus, will not receive official transcripts upon completion of the badge. Unlike academic courses, modules in the badge program are based on learners showing mastery of and competency in the material.

The modules in the Plant Breeding and Genetics Professional Badge program cannot be transferred toward an academic credit program at UNL or any other institution.

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man with  computer in field
plant breeding

Modules to Fit Your Needs

Learners may either take individual modules in specific areas – including plant genetics and disease resistance breeding – that interest them or complete 12 units to earn the Plant Breeding & Genetics Badge. Most modules do not require a textbook.

Certified Crop Advisers (CCAs) can also earn continuing education units (CEUs) in a variety of areas, including pest management, crop management, and soil & water.

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Contact Us

  1. Avatar for Leah Sandall
    Distance Education Coordinator Agronomy & Horticulture University of Nebraska-Lincoln
    PLSH 279L
    Lincoln NE 68583-0915
    Work 402-472-9295 On-campus 2-9295
  2. Avatar for Luqi Li
    Lecturer Agronomy & Horticulture University of Nebraska-Lincoln
    PLSH 377K
    Lincoln NE 68583-0915
    Work 402-472-1477 On-campus 2-1477