General Information
- Orientation Information for AgroHort Online Students
- Online Student Expectations/Responsibilities
- At Nebraska, you will be a part of the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources.
- Military & Veterans Success Center (Nebraska is a military-friendly school)
- Tips for Success as an Online Student
- Technology Requirements: Email, fast-speed Internet, ability to view videos, and a current Internet Browser like Chrome, Firefox or Safari. Microsoft Internet Explorer and Edge internet browsers are not compatible with our learning systems.
Library & Research Resources
University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) Libraries offer a variety of research options for distance students. Visit the library website to find online scholarly journals and research articles.
- Learn how to access your library account with this video orientation to the university library online
- Agronomy Research Guide
- Horticulture Research Guide
Writing & Publication Styles
- IANR Science Communication Hub;
- Science Societies of America Publication Style;
- American Society for Horticultural Science (Look under Publications tab)
- Preparing a Thesis or Dissertation from Graduate Studies; and
- Writing Center for Online Students.
Academic Searching other than through the Library
Paying for College
University or department funding is generally not available for distance students since assistantships are reserved for on-campus research students. Additional funding opportunities are below.
- FAFSA (federal financial assistance)
- Announcements from Graduate Studies
- Funding Opportunities
- Search for possible scholarships from groups/organizations external to the university.
Scholarship & Financial Aid office 800-742-8800
- Tuition & Fees for graduate students enrolled in CASNR Online/Distance Education Graduate Courses. Tuition and Fees can be paid online or multiple other ways.